It’s late, so I’m going to try to make this quick. There are a lot of shows happening, but here are the three I’m going to do my best to make. And it all gets started later tonight:
Jerome Jordan
Mo Pitkin’s House of Satisfaction
34 Avenue A between 2nd & 3rd Streets
8:00PM sharp
Admission: $5
Jerome is a talented guitarist who I’ve seen as a member of other bands such as Funkface and Shelley Nicole’s Blakbushe. This set is a special solo set, which he describes as "an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, voice, songs, cosmic concepts, effects, licks and riffs." Support Jerome if you can. He’s a great guy and has been a real unsung hero for all of his work during both BoldasLIVE events.
Shrine for the Black Madonna
Shrine for the Black Madonna, Roughstars and DeLeon
The Delancey
168 Delancey (between Clinton & Attorney)
F Train to Delancey, or J/M/Z Train to Essex
Admission: $7
Set times:
8:30 – DeLeon
9:30 – Roughstars
10:30 – Shrine for the Black Madonna
Word from Brian Tate is that this will probably be the last Shrine gig for the year, so if you want to hear some true genre-melding, you need to check them out tonight. Roughstars is a young band that I saw at the Restoration Rocks Festival, and they’re full of energy and songs with strong hooks. Not familiar with indie/Spanish pop outfit DeLeon, but from what I can tell from their MySpace page, they’re worth checking out.
BAMCafe @ Brooklyn Academy of Music
30 Lafayette Avenue
Admission: FREE!
If you’ve not had a chance to see Boston Fielder and his ensemble, do yourself a favor and run, don’t walk, to this show. There’s so much talent in the Fielder family (an extraordinary filmmaker, illustrator and videographer are his brothers), that one might be moved to jealousy upon hearing Boston’s warm, rich voice. That’s right: Life ain’t fair. Expect to be regaled with some stories gathered as he traveled the South this summer and played dozens of little juke joints. I just know homeboy would want to play "Make You Feel Better."