Like Audiologo, I’m biased when it comes to Muthawit. No, I haven’t joined the band. But I will be working with Boston to help market this year’s URB ALT Festival in June. More on that later.
For now, those of you out West have not one, but three opportunities to catch Boston and his ensemble if you’re out in the LA area this week. The first hit’s tomorrow. And, in case, you are a bit skeptical, here’s an opportunity to try before you buy. In fact, this song–"Make You Feel Better"–is one of my favorites. In addition to a voice that’s captivating due to its warmth, Boston conjures the blues in an elemental way. Take a listen here and then tell me you don’t want to re-arrange your schedule so you can make a show. So, Angelenos, yes, it’s worth getting out there in the traffic.