Dragons of Zynth opens tomorrow’s 8th Annual Village Voice Siren Festival. They also get some well-deserved ink in the Voice. Check out some of what Rob Harvilla had to say about them:
. . .their blunt, almost free-jazz assaults on conventional songwriting convulse with moments of ethereal beauty and bursts of pulverizing thrash, which they punctuate onstage mostly by leaping about as though they’re all on fire. The result is bombastic, manic, inventive, possibly terrifying, definitely exhilarating.
Last time I saw them at BAMCafe, they killed it. They’ve just gotten off the road with Saul Williams, so they should be incredibly sharp. If you’re around Coney Island tomorrow, go.
The Siren Festival is free. DOZ hits at 1PM
- "Dragons of Zynth Open Siren" by Rob Harvilla
- Dragons of Zynth on MySpace
- Village Voice Siren Festival