Taking over BAMCafe on Saturday, October 25, so mark your calendars!
That’s right, people! Boldaslove.us will be in effect on the closing night of this year’s CMJ Music Marathon. In conjunction with the Black Rock Coalition and BAMCafe, I’m guest curating a night of exciting artists on the come-up: California King, Chewing Pics and headliners Red Lotus, all with ambiance thrown in by Apollo Heights’ own Carolyn "HoneyChild" Coleman, aka DJ Sugarfree, on the decks.
Haven’t heard of these bands yet? Don’t worry, you will. For the time being, here are the descriptions from the BAMCafe site:
First up is the slick, indie/soul/R&B fusion of California King, followed by singer Naima Mora’s uniquely improvisational vocal stylings with rock troupe Chewing Pics, and finishing up with the all-out guitar rock of 4-piece outfit Red Lotus. DJ Sugarfree, aka Honeychild Coleman, spins between sets.
I couldn’t agree more. Stay tuned. I’ll be doing video interviews with the bands and you’ll have a chance to get to know them a little better before you get to the show.
In the meantime check these links:
California King (photo credit: Tiana Markova-Gold)
Carolyn Honeychild Coleman, aka DJ Sugarfree
Showtime is 9:30PM and the admission at BAMCafe is, as always, FREE!