Great to see Labelle on Thursday. This isn't really at full fledged review, just me pulling together some Tweets I did from the show.
- Damn! Didn't realize Hal Jackson is 93. He looks great!
- Gotta give it to Labelle, they all look great. And it's clear that Patti is used to being the center of attention. #labelle
- So cool that Patti is giving Nona major props for her songwriting.
- Good to see Ronny Drayton on guitar.
- Patti is straight clowin' people and it's hilarious.
- Sarah: Patti + the Blue Bells and Cindy Birdsong are on a stamp in Liberia. If you go, grab some stamps.
- They have a Q+A with the audience in the middle of the show. #labelle
- Just for the record, the Stones aren't the only artists in their 60s who can turn it out. #labelle
- Nona and Sarah are killin' "Before you go to Hollywood"
- You forget that both Nona and Sarah have such powerful voices, that it's not just Patti who can blow. #labelle
- Nona's wearing those leather pants well. Really well. Knowhutumsayin?
- The wardrobe tells all: Nona the rocker, Patti the couture diva, Sarah upscale conservative.
- Nona quotes Ghandi: No oppression without consent.
- The $30 shirt inside is $5 outside on Broadway. Entrpreneurship at its finest! Ha! #labelle
- Caron Wheeler is hangin outside.
Of course, I encourage you to follow me on Twitter, and you would've gotten these updates in realtime.