It's that time of year again.
As was the case for last year and in 2007, this is completely up to you, the readers. I'm not trying to come up with a ranked list like other publications. Rather it's an opportunity for you, the members of the black rock community to shout out artists who were in heavy rotation on your MP3 players or whose shows you just couldn't stay away from, or artists who compelled you to spend way more money on them than you should've.
Some simple rules:
- You can drop your list in the comments section below, but it's better to email me directly at rafields[at]gmail[dot]com
- A "release" can be a single, a mixtape, an EP or a full-length album, as well as a video.
- It should have been released between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009.
- Multi-racial bands are welcome, BUT the lead creative person in the band MUST be a person of color
- All styles are valid, but I'm looking for black rock/Afro-punk/Ghetto Metal/urban alternative/progressive black music releases. International stuff, even. I want folks who are defying convention and breaking boundaries musically.
Finally, I'll link back to the your site. So give me your list in the following format:
- Name, where you're located, how you describe yourself, along with a URL you'd like me to link back to.
For example, mine would be Rob Fields, Brooklyn, NY, Black rock evangelist (
Got it? Good. Now just waiting to hear from you. . .
Have you taken the black rock audience survey? It only takes 5 minutes! Click here to start.