Actually, it's not just me. No, I'll be joined by three other dope hosts for the launch of WRFB (which, by the way does NOT stand for Rob Fields Broadcasting), Radio Free Brooklyn. In addition to me, you'll also hear from Yankee Zulu, Christian John Wikane, and Shelley Nicole of Shelley Nicole's blaKbushe.
You can tune in from 7-11PM EST tomorrow and every Tuesday via the link here.
The schedule will go something like this:
7-8pm Yankee Zulu
8-9pm The Flying Perfect Parlor with Christian John Wikane
9-10pm Sounds from the New Black Imagination with Rob Fields
10-11pm Shelley Nicole
I can tell you that each segment is still evolving. Right now, Yankee Zulu does what he calls an "eclectic mix of old and new school." Christian covers a lot of territory, from Dixie Cups (1964) to Kenna (2007) to all points between. I, of course, will be spinning global black rock, Afro-Punk and some odds and ends. And Shelley's been doing a great job of theming her shows: For the first test run it was "My People", music by artists she knows. Test #2 was "Covers" which explored the cover song. Tomorrow night's show is "Law & Order". Can't wait to hear this!
Again, you can listen to the live stream tomorrow via the link on this page.
And feel free to reach out to WRFB via the following channels:
- Requests, suggestions, questions can be sent to
- Follow WRFB on Twitter at
- Call in via Skype at 917 267 7824
One more thing: For the launch tomorrow and probably next week also, I'll just be playing music. As I get more comfortable with all the equipment, I plan to start adding live or call-in interview segments featuring a range of folks, everyone from musicians, filmmakers, writers, visual artists, academics, perhaps even an occasional politician. As long as they're representative of the "new black imagination," it's all good. So stay tuned for announcements about interview segments.
Thanks again to the folks at Brooklyn Movie Labs for hosting the show and providing the equipment for us all to get our DJ on!