Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressin' man
Tune into my show, Sounds from the New Black Imagination, on WRFB-Radio Free Brooklyn on Tuesday, June 15 and you'll get your dose of more tasty musical treats, plus a special interview with URB Alt Festival founder and MuthaWit Orchestra bandleader Boston Fielder (above in a photo by Richardine Bartee). Of course, he'll be talking about the launch of URB Alt Festival 5 as well as the imminent release of the new MuthaWit album Men & Women or la Revenge de Uncle Baldy.
As a reminder, the Tuesday night WRFB broadcast schedule looks a little somethin' like this:
- 7-8pm YankeeZulu's Time Machine
- 8-9pm The Flying Perfect Parlor with Christian John Wikane
- 9-10pm Boldaslove.us/Sounds from the New Black Imagination
- 10-11pm Shelley Nicole and her themed shows
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