Day 2 of the 5th URB Alt Fest keeps it uptown for a FREE afternoon in St. Nicholas Park. Bring the kids, your parents, or that girl you're trying to impress.
Ya think Boston's excited about his lineup? Check out what he has to say about the Day 2 artists:
1)Uninterrupted ft. Moon – DC's RAWKINGest Rock Band. Uber siren, Moon,
is one of those in your face artists that mughs can't stop talking about
after the experience.2)Ben Tyree – Avante garde jazz with a punk attitude
3)Stoni Taylor and Miles of Stones – ATL's hip soul
SANGER/guitarist(Indigo Girls) returns to the Apple with blazing band in
tow. If you were at the URB ALT Fest Finale last year you kinda know
what's coming!4)Faith – LES reggae/rock/alternative legends bring the beautiful
vibrations. Frontwoman, Felice Rosser is a force of nature.5)Twin Shadow – Former Madman Films frontman, George Lewis, Jr.
introduces his cool new electro/dance rock/Orbinsonesque group to
Harlemites. They are recently signed to Grizzly Bear Chris Taylor's
Terrible Records.RAWK!
Nicholas Park @ 135th St. Pavillion
Street: 135th Street and St. Nicholas
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