UPDATE: There’s some scheduling drama, so Corey will join us next week
That’s right, fam! Join my during my show from 9-10pm when I talk with Living Colour’s Corey Glover and my WRFB co-host Shelley Nicole. The occasion? They have a show together on Saturday, October 2 at Le Poisson Rouge. They’ll be kicking off a new series produced by Ubiquita that’s a bit of homage to Burt Sugarman’s Midnight Special.
I’ve heard that we might get a song or two out of Corey, and maybe, just maybe, something from Shelley, as well. But you’ll have to tune in to find out. Heh.
As ever, the Tuesday night WRFB broadcast schedule looks a little somethin’ like this:
- 7-8pm YankeeZulu’s Time Machine
- 8-9pm The Flying Perfect Parlor with Christian John Wikane
- 9-10pm Boldaslove.us/Sounds from the New Black Imagination
- 10-11pm Shelley Nicole and her themed shows
Remember: We’re nowhere on your radio dial, so click here to listen!
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