Of course, I feel like Obama finally put a nail in the coffin of the whole birther BS. But, I know our friends on the Far Right will be checking to see if dude had that doc photoshopped. Anyway, I’m glad the media is (kinda sorta) moving on. Here were some good pieces in the wake of Trump’s trouncing. OK, admittedly, I’m summarizing four progressive/liberal positions on this issue, but it’s basically where I fall. Good writing and thinking in all of them. Here goes:
- First, Elon James White, articulated further what Baratunde Thurston laid out in his video response in his piece “Let’s Call Trump’s Language What It Is”. Best lines: “Not calling out racism doesn’t make the act less racist. It makes an entire race of people less American.”
- Princeton’s Melissa Harry-Perry is always good for providing historical context. She did that so well (yet again) in “For Birthers, Obama’s Not Black Enough”.
- Duke’s Mark Anthony Neal republished the piece by Fordham’s Mark Naison: “Some Thought on Ivy League Admission—And Affirmative Action (for Donald Trump)” which looks at the reality of getting into any of the Ivies.
- The New Yorker’s David Remnick–who knows a thing or two about Obama–also calls Trump for what he is: A race-baiter. Check out “Trump, Birtherism and Race-Baiting.”
- And to the joy of many of us, The Atlantic’s Joshua Green points out that “Trump’s Birther Antics Are Driving Away His Liberal Audience.” Been past time to put a stake in that show, I say.