This was one of those shows where I really had no expectations going in. Honestly, I’d heard her first album, 2008’s Asha. It was cool, but I didn’t give it much of a listen. Fast forward to a few months ago and I recognized the name when the press release showed up in my inbox. I was glad to see that the sista put our a second album and thought I’d check it out.
When I got to Rockwood, it was clear from the line out the door and the packed crowd inside that Asa has developed an enthusiastic following. And, I’m happy to say that the audience’s enthusiasm is well-deserved. Asa’s accent-inflected singing voice showed an engaging vulnerability, and it was hard not to be captivated by her straightforward presentation.
This date was one of two performances she would do in the States, here in NYC and then another in LA. According to her PR team, these were the only dates she’d be doing until the new album Beautiful Imperfection drops on October 25. These stripped-down, mostly unplugged performances were a great way to experience her songs, her voice and her presence.
Definitely looking forward to more but, in the meantime, these photos will have to do:
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