Yep, new music from the incredible Nona Hendryx. The track is taken from the project she’s calling Mutatis Mutandis. Nona writes:
It took awhile to know what I wanted to share musically, the political & social changes that have happened and happening became the key! The Latin phrase simply put means, that the necessary changes such as names and places, (people) will be made but everything else will remain the same. I have lived through many changes of people, places and things but much remains the same, love & hate, life & death, passion & lethargy, greed & generosity, war & peace! I touch on a few in these songs.
In fact, she pointedly takes on the issues confronting our society today, as well as the general feeling of alienation and hopelessness that many feel lurking on the periphery. In “Temple of Heaven,” she asks:
When the wolf is at your door
Do you pray to what you don’t believe in anymore?
As much as this project is an angry–and much-needed critique–of our current political and social climate, I think the very act of critique is one of optimism. Hendryx asks the questions precisely because she believes there a better, more inclusive alternative.
[audio:http://www.boldaslove.us/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Temple-Of-Heaven1.mp3|titles=Temple Of Heaven]Additional links: