With colds and flu going around my house–on top of it being the holidays–I have some catch up posting to do. Here’s one.
Jack (l) and Brook dropped their long-awaited album New Designer Drug in mid-November. This is one of several stand-out tracks. Overall, I’d say that the album is a definite progression since their Beauty In Distortion days. It’s tighter, and feels like they’ve taken that next step up the maturity ladder. Don’t get me wrong: There was always a lot to like about J*Davey, but it’s now nice to see and hear that they’ve gotten more focused.
[audio:http://www.boldaslove.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/06-Turn-The-Lights-Out-1-1.mp3|titles=06 Turn The Lights Out 1 1]
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