The #TrayvonMartin case continues to be a heartbreaking reminder of the inequities in our justice system. As of this writing, there have still be NO charges filed against George Zimmerman (above, right). Where is justice? No one wants revenge, only justice. We want something to serve as a reminder that you can’t recklessly take someone’s life and then hide behind some flimsy “Stand Your Ground” law, especially when the person who lays dead weighs 100 pounds less than you and was only “armed” with ice tea and Skittles.
The case is troubling on a bunch of levels. Not least of which is this: What are we supposed to tell our sons? I mean, we are supposed to be raising children to respect the rule of law. We want them to have faith that our system of justice is fair and applies equally to all people. More importantly, we want them to believe–even if experience and history has told us otherwise–that everyone will get a fair shake. Unfortunately, Trayvon’s death exposes us as liars.
At any rate, there has been a lot of good coverage and commentary. I’m sure there will more as this story develops. In the meantime, I wanted to share some good pieces that I’ve come across today, in addition to Charles Blow’s NY Times commentary. Here goes
- VIDEO: Jasiri X — “Trayvon”. The Pittsburgh MC and activist continues to use his art to raise awareness about issues of social justice, this time the focus is on this senseless killing. Bravo, brotha. (h/t Mark Anthony Neal for the heads up)
- In her piece, Trayvon Martin, The Long Walk To Justice, and Compassion Fatigue, Farai Chideya argues that it’s important not to tune out the horror of this tragedy, nor should we let it push us towards acts of unfocused anger.
- Tara Jefferson writes An Open Letter To George Zimmerman as the mother of a brown boy.
- Genetta Adams wonders how slowly the wheels of justice would turn if the roles were reversed in her piece What If Trayvon Martin Were Standing His Ground?
- Frances Martel rightly suggests that The Killing of Trayvon Martin Is Not A Black Problem. “It’s an American problem.”
- Kudos are also in order for its editor-in-chief Michael Skolnik, who puts things in context for any white person who doesn’t understand what all the hubub is about. His piece is aptly titled White People, You Will Never Look Suspicious Like Trayvon Martin. And, yes, in case you’re wondering: Michael is white.
- The Today Show featured an interview with Trayvon’s mother, who flat-out says he was killed because of “the color of his skin”. I saw it first posted on Roland Martin’s site, so go here for the link.
- The Crunk Feminist Collective: The intellectual go-in happens in this piece Re-Nigging On The Promises: #JusticeForTrayvon.
- Mychal Denzel Smith, in his piece Justice For Trayvon Martin, asks some pointed questions. For example, “Does self-defense require a warning shot?”
UPDATE: It was just announced that the FBI and the Justice Department have opened an investigation.