@spoek_mathambo (credit: Sean Metelerkamp)
I’m finally digging into Spoek’s debut album Father Creeper. There’s a lot to like here on this largely new electro/African soundscape he calls township tech. Here’s a song that really grabbed me on the first pass through the album. I particularly like the grindy guitar (d)evolution at about the 3-minute mark. Would be kinda cool to see Spoek on tour with, say, J*Davey. You get the idea, right?
[audio:http://www.boldaslove.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/04-Let-Them-Talk-ft.-Yolanda.mp3|titles=04 Let Them Talk ft. Yolanda]NYC, you can catch Spoek on Thursday, March 22 at SOB’s. Showtime’s at 9pm
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