Yes, you’re reading that right: The incredible Nona Hendryx is planning a summer tour! And to make sure it happens, she’s crowdsourcing the funding. Her manager Vicki Wickham, gave me the heads up on this whole effort, but it’s worth shouting out Toshi Reagon for giving me the big picture. Here’s the deal:
Nona is partnering with Ani DiFranco’s Righteous Babe Records to release her newest album, the funky and political Mutatis Mutandis (check out “Temple of Heaven” here). Righteous Babe will drop the album in a few weeks, i.e., July. As many of you know, while it’s great to listen to a Nona Hendryx album, it’s even better to see her live! So she’s doing her best to bring her show to a city near you. Folk also know that gas prices and the overall cost of touring a band is nothing short of a bee-yotch, so Nona’s coming to all of us for some support.
She’s put together some great incentives, everything from digital downloads, t-shirts, handwritten lyric sheets and special USB drives filled with music on the lower end; to VIP tour packages, rehearsal visits, executive producer credits on her next album, and even private Audio Tutu performances if you’ve got the wherewithal to really pony up.
Best of all, ten (10%) percent of all money raised after she hits her pledge target will go to Little Black Pearl, a school in Chicago for alternative learning via the arts for youth 12-17 years old. I know it’s an organization Nona’s been supporting a long time, so it’s great to see that she’s looped them into this fundraising effort.
Already there are four (4) East Coast tour dates for the project:
- July 14: BB Kings, NYC
- July 17: U Street Music Hall, Washington, DC
- July 20: Cafe Nine, New Haven, CT
- August 11: Damrosch Park Bandshell, NYC
And did I mention there are 26 days left?
Ready to kick in a few bucks? As Depeche Mode said–and Amanda Palmer will verify–everything counts in large amounts, so whatever you can give will be much appreciated. CLICK HERE TO PLEDGE!
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