Rapping, singing and live instrumentals? You might be tempted to call Oxymorrons a hip hop group. Or a rock group. What they are are two talented brothers from Queens. Some of you might remember that we first saw these guys at the 2012 Afropunk Festival. As we wrote then: “And a shoutout to The Oxymorrons, the Queens duo of brothers K.I. and D. Great flow, songs and incredible energy.”
Great to see two guys coming at the music scene with inspiring, heartfelt, and honest music. Case in point is their latest video, which was written to honor a friend who committed suicide. (Side note: Suicide is a serious problem. For youth ages 10-24, there are over 4,600 suicides every year. Additionally, there are 157,000 reported injuries from attempted suicides.)
The new project from Oxymorrons, 4 Fun & Games, is expected to be out this summer.
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