As reported on Bold As Love earlier this week, Josef Wladyka’s Manos Sucias (Dirty Hands), a film we profiled last year at the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival, recently made its theatrical debut in New York City.
Manos Sucias is an exploration into the most bottommost of rungs in the Colombian drug trade. It follows desperate fisherman Jacobo (Jarlin Martinez) and a naive street kid Delio (Christian James Abvincula) as they tow a submerged torpedo containing millions of dollars of cocaine up the Pacific coast of Colombia in the wake of their battered fishing boat. Both men discover what their limits are and what each is willing to do to succeed and survive.

The film is Executive Produced by Spike Lee.
While it leaves NYC on Friday, for now, it begins its Los Angeles run at Laemmle NoHo 7 (Music Hall) in Los Angeles on April 10, and well as in Cinema Detroit, for one week. Dates in Miami, Houston, and San Diego follow. and you can follow which cities are added HERE.
I got an opportunity to sit down with the talented Mr. Wladyka and we got to discuss the film, the fun and travails in filming it, working with the cast, and much more. Give it a listen and enjoy.