Rob talks Black rock on NPR Rob Fields Black rock in the media July 12, 2007 1Kinda, sorta. What I mean is that I had a wonderful opportunity to participate in a new segment on NPR’s...
BoldAsLIVE: Passing Strange, or the Coming of Age of a Black Rocker Rob Fields Black rock in the media May 11, 2007 2 Since this past October when I started writing about Black rock, I continue to get indications that we’re in...
Why We Fight Rob Fields Black rock in the media April 29, 2007 1Just came across Kandia Crazy Horse’s weigh-in on the now infamous New York Times "blipster" article. Check this: The appropriation...
Save Internet Radio Rob Fields Black rock in the media April 27, 2007 0Those of you who know me are aware that I’m a huge fan of Internet radio. Sites like Somafm, Pandora,...
NY Times notes the "Blipster's" rise Rob Fields Black rock in the media February 11, 2007 0In case any of you missed the New York Times’ piece on Black rock (which ran on Sunday, January 28,...